Wildlife have the same basic needs as people — food, water, and shelter. Wild animals will explore your property for resources to satisfy those needs.
By limiting access to those resources, you can effectively and humanely control the population. If wildlife become a nuisance, call a professional for a custom wildlife control solution.
What are some of the most common wildlife issues that homeowners face around College Station? We see a lot of attic damage from squirrels, rats, raccoons.
How do the seasons affect wildlife activity around Brazos Valley? We’re busy in the spring breeding season and in the fall, when temperatures cool and indoor nesting begins.
What are some common signs of nuisance wildlife activity? Strange noises in your home, like chewing, and damaged lawns and droppings.
When should homeowners call Critter Control? At the first sign of suspicious animal activity.
Any prevention or exclusion tips for residents near College Station? Keep bird feeders away from the home and call a professional if you need help
This franchise is independently licensed and operated by Ace’s Environmental Services, LLC, dba Critter Control of College Station.