Whether you own property in Ft. Walton Beach or on Okaloosa Island, raccoons, rats, mice, bats, squirrels, skunks, snakes, armadillos, opossums, frogs, toads, lizards, and birds of all kinds can be a nuisance. If any of these animals damage your property or threaten you and your family, they are considered nuisance wildlife by Florida laws. They must be removed, preferably by wildlife experts, like those at Critter Control.
Getting rid of nuisance wildlife can be tricky. There are numerous Florida laws and regulations you must know. Also, animals are dirty and can be aggressive if they feel threatened. Calling a wildlife expert for help is always recommended. Below are some examples of how we handle nuisance wildlife.
If you rent your property, your guests do not want to share their beach vacaion with rodents, raccoons, squirrels, bats, skunks, opossums, armadillos or snakes. Make sure to call the professionals at Trutech because we offer a long term, permanent solution to pest wildlife.
Typical Nuisance Wildlife in Fort Walton Beach
Attic Invaders
Since they’re warm and often undisturbed by humans, attics make great nesting options for many unwanted critters. Most often these pests seek shelter in attics to survive harsh weather during winter or raise young during the spring.
The most common animals that live in an attic are raccoons, squirrels, bats, mice, and rats.
Raccoon in Attic Removal
In Fort Walton Beach neighborhoods, raccoons investigate yards and gardens to find something to eat. Loosely sealed trash cans and outdoor pet food bowls provide them with meals. Aside from the mess they make digging through trash, a raccoon can spread diseases like rabies and canine distemper. These pests are the most opens in a new windowcommon rabies carrier in Florida.
Chimneys and attics resemble their natural denning sites. Raccoons typically den in attics during breeding season. In Florida, breeding season usually peaks from December to January. The gestation period is sixty days so March and April are the most common months to have baby raccoons in your attic in Fort Walton Beach.
- Inspection– looking for footprints in or around home, large openings, raccoon poop
- Raccoon Trapping & Removal– Live trapping most effective and humane
- Repairs– Seal all entry points. Restore attic insultation. Latrine disinfection and clean up.
Squirrel Control in Fort Walton Beach
Florida is home to three types of squirrels — the eastern gray squirrel, the fox squirrel and the southern flying squirrel. The gray squirrel thrive in urban areas like Freeport or Niceville. The pests strip bark from trees and dig holes in yards to bury food for later. A squirrel will typically nest in a tree, but the animal’s climbing skills also allow them access to roofs and attic.
- Inspection– Gnaw marks on, in, or around your home. Small openings to attics or the crawl space. Droppings. Debris like nuts or nesting materials.
- Squirrel Trapping – Live trapping, deterrents, one-way doors.
- Repairs– exclusion services focus on repairing entry points. Removing debris, repairing nest sites, decontaminating droppings and urine.
Rodent Pest Control
Rats and mice are typical pest animals in a home. Proximity to water and buildings with plenty of entry holes allow the pests to travel freely and breed rapidly. In homes, a mouse or rat may contaminate food with waste, spread disease, and destroy property. To effectively get rid of rats you need to control the population.
Female rats can have six litters in one year (mice can have up to 35 babies in one year). The wildlife technician will determine the best type of trap, placement of trap, and the best bait to use.
- Inspection– Noises such as scurrying and rat or mouse droppings most prominent signs you have a rodent infestation
- Trapping– Variety of traps available.
- Repairs– caulking cracks, capping chimneys, installing mesh over vents.
Bat Removal
There are thirteen bat species in Florida. Bats pose very little risk directly to humans. Florida’s native bats are insectivores. The greatest risk to your home comes from the accumulation of bat guano from a roosting colony. The guano can lead to structural damage and potentially spread two fungal diseases.
During maternity season (usually April 15 to August 15) it is illegal in Florida to remove or exclude bats. After maternity season, the wildlife technician removes bats by installing a one-way bat valve. That allows the bats to safely leave your home but prevents them from re-entering.
- Inspection– Small squeaking sounds. Piles of droppings in one corner of the house or attic. Stains on walls and strong ammonia smell.
- Trapping & Removing– Generally you can only remove a bat if it’s in the livable part of your home. Most likely one-way doors will be employed once the bats offspring have reached maturity.
- Repairs– Sealing entry points. Disinfecting area under roost from accumulation of guano.
Snake in the House
Forty-five of Florida’s forty-six native snake species are in the Florida Panhandle. All six of Florida’s venomous opens in a new windowsnakes are in North Florida. Generally, the most harm snakes inflict is scaring someone.
If you have a snake in your home, you have another animal pest problem (usually rodents). Snakes generally enter a home looking for food. Snakes will also enter your home to explore, shed its skin, or as a temporary refuge. Removing the snake’s food source is the ideal way to remove a snake.
- Inspection– snake skins, snake droppings, odor,
- Trapping & Removing- Live traps and direct capture are effective methods. Most non-venomous snakes are protected from killing. Eliminating any prey species and sealing potential entry points help keep snakes from re-entering your home.
Lawn Inflitrators
Nuisance animals can be bothersome on your property outside of your home too. You might notice holes in your garden, burrows through your lawn, or mounds of dirt. It is difficult to keep wildlife out of your yard, and in some cases it is better to ignore certain species. But when there is damage to your property or danger to you and your family, you need to call the experts at Trutech in.
Armadillo Removal
Armadillos present little danger to people. They greatest danger they pose is to your landscaping. Controlling the animal can protect your lawn and garden and the integrity of structures like decks and driveways on your property.
Opossum Control
Opossums are more of a nuisance than a real danger. They are very common in urban and suburban settings and will eat practically anything. Opossums will use attics, crawlspaces and the areas under sheds and porches as dens.
- Inspection – Scat. Remnants of previous nights foraging and feeding.
- Control—Exclusion work most effective method. Live trapping. Securing potential food sources like pet food and garbage. Sealing entry points to prevent entry to attics and crawl spaces. Scare devices provide temporary solutions and chemical repellents have significant effect.
Pocket Gophers
You probably won’t see a gopher or encounter one in your home. Mounds of fresh soil are the best sign of a gopher’s presence. One gopher can create several mounds in a day. Gopher burrows can cover two hundred to two thousand squire feet. The burrow system can undermine structures. Gophers will feed on garden plants and gnaw on irrigation systems.
- Inspection– Fresh mounds of dark, moist soil signs of burrow. Probing to find main burrow.
- Control– Trapping. Fumigation. Underground fencing to protect specific areas of the lawn such as flower beds and gardens.
- Repairs– Leveling existing mounds.
Fort Walton Beach Wildlife FAQ
What are some of the most common wildlife issues that homeowners face in your area?
Rats, squirrels, raccoons, and bats in attics.
How do the seasons affect wildlife activity in your area?
Rats are year-round problems. Squirrels are also year-round nuisances. Raccoons are heaviest in spring and summer with some fall activity. Bats are major problems May through September.
What are some common signs of nuisance wildlife activity?
Noises in the attic, scratching in ceiling or walls, walking noises above head, staining on siding, guano buildup around foundation or what looks like “dog poop” on roof.
Any prevention tips for residents in your area?
Have a professional seal your home to prevent common exploitation or break-in by smart and determined animals.
When should homeowners call Critter Control?
The minute they hear something or know they have an issue… the longer they “ignore” the problem, the more damage is done.