The human population of Chicago might be declining, but wildlife continues to thrive. The Chicago River and Lake Michigan have kept the Chicago area as an attractive habitat for a variety of wild animals such as coyotes, raccoons, bats, squirrels, foxes, snakes, and a variety of birds. Wildlife becomes a nuisance when they go from being cute to destroying your property or posing a threat to you and your family.
The Illinois Department of Natural Resources recommends hiring a wildlife control company to ensure safety for you and the animal. Also, each animal has different regulations on removal and relocation, some requiring permits. Wildlife control companies, like Critter Control, know the regulations.
Raccoons in Chicago are nocturnal thieves. These masked bandits climb trees, chimneys, and spouting, leaving filthy, greasy smudges behind.
Raccoons have hands like humans, allowing them to turn doorknobs, open trash bins, and dig sod to search for bugs. Raccoons eat just about anything, including junk food, pet food, garden crops, insects, and live chickens.
To enter your home, they will force their way into attic vents or under decks and porches. They will stroll through a pet door if it is left open. Once inside, raccoons will tear drywall, rip insulation, scratch on wood, and leave piles of stinky feces and urine. Because feces can grow mold spores and some raccoons carry diseases, you must call a Chicago wildlife expert for removal.
Tree squirrels in Chicago can jump up to 10 feet. This could be from the ground to your roof. They are abundant and are always active, gathering and storing food and nest materials. They need a place to store their finds. Often, squirrels will dig holes in your yard and bury items. Other times one will find its way into your attic, crawlspace, chimney or basement.
Squirrels prefer nuts, fruits, bird eggs, leaves, grass, bark, pinecones, grains and seeds. If you have a birdfeeder that stays stocked, you have happy squirrels. Squirrels will chew through siding, wood and drywall to get into your home. But if they can enter through already-made holes, they will take the easier route.
If you suspect squirrels are invading your space, call us right away so we can get rid of your rodent problem.
Did you know bats can eat their body weight in insects every night? And they are the only mammal capable of flight. We need bats in Chicago, but we don’t need them taking up residency in our attics or barns.
There are 13 species of bats in Chicago, including the big and little brown bat, hoary bats, and silver-haired bats. They are nocturnal creatures, roosting upside down in dark, dry locations during the day.
Bats are protected species because their existence is being threatened by diseases, like the white-nose syndrome. Bats have significant events that take place throughout the year, limiting removal time. The mating season happens in late winter and early spring. Maternity season runs from May to August. The best time to remove bats is between October and March.
When roosting in your attic or other building, bat guano piles up and can seep through cracks in the floor into your home. It gives off a strong smell and stains walls. It can also grow mold spores.
Remember, bat extermination in Chicago is illege. We can remove bats for you.
Illinois has six native mice and two native rats. It’s the non-native species that become nuisance wildlife, the house mouse and the Norway rat. These two create building infestations, contaminate food, and are a health concern for the public due to the diseases they carry.
You may wonder how rodents get into your home. It’s not complicated. Mice can fit through a hole the size of a quarter. Rats can also fit through holes much smaller than their bodies, and they can burrow.
Rats and mice spend a lot of time chewing on flooring, furniture, baseboards, cabinets, food boxes, walls, ductwork, and pipes. They chew every type of material, including metals and electrical wiring. They gather a wide array of items to make nests, which are often found in ducts, vents, and chimneys, creating fire hazards.
They also reproduce multiple times throughout the year, having numerous babies per litter. An infestation can quickly occur if not dealt with early on. As soon as you suspect a rat or mouse problem, call us.
It may be rare you run into a skunk in Chicago, but they are out there, rooting through debris for insects, fruits, nuts, grains, seeds and more. While they are most active at night, you may occasionally catch them traveling alone or with their kits during the day. The nests for those kits may be under your home.
If a skunk feels threatened, it will release a foul-smelling spray. If it sprays in an area under your home, the fumes can travel into your home, lasting for 10 days or longer. If your pet gets sprayed, they can bring it into your home also. If you’ve ever smelled skunk spray, then you know it’s not something you ever want to smell again.
Skunks carry diseases, so if you need to remove skunks, call the experts.
What are some of the most common wildlife issues that homeowners face in Chicago? Animals in attics, under stoops, patios, and decks. Animals tearing up lawns, damaging home siding and roofs. Beavers chewing on trees.
How do the seasons affect wildlife activity in your area? Cold weather slows animal activity.
What are some common signs of nuisance wildlife activity? Noises in the home. Trails through attic insulation. Holes in the ground, or sod being rolled. Visual footprints on downspouts.
When should homeowners call Critter Control? Homeowners should call at the first sign of animal activity. The longer you wait, the more costly the service could be.