Skunks raid garbage cans and dig holes in lawns for worms, grubs, and insects. They often live under dwellings like porches, crawl spaces, and sheds.
These homeowners were shocked one afternoon to find a skunk scurrying under their porch! They worried the skunk would spray either them or their dogs. They called Critter Control to get rid of the skunk from living under their porch.
Skunk Control in New Mexico
The wildlife technician used cage traps covered with canvas for live skunk trapping, using cat food, fish, or chicken, for bait.
One of the most effective ways to control a skunk problem is exclusion and habitat modification. We suggested to the homeowners to keep pet food inside and secure any trash bins. The wildlife technician installed a hardware cloth on the porch. The barrier is buried into the ground to prevent the skunk from burrowing under it.

The most common skunk in New Mexico is the striped skunk. Striped skunks (Mephitis mephitis) are nocturnal (active at night), approximately 2′ long, and weigh 6-8 lbs. They are slow, deliberate, and confident they can defend themselves. Skunks discharge musk from the anal gland, are capable of firing several shots, and can spray 10 – 15 feet with accuracy. Before spraying they usually give a warning by stomping their feet.
Skunks are omnivorous – eating both plant and animal foods. They prefer insects in the summer, and mice in the winter. The main predator of the skunk is the Great Horned Owl, which obviously has a poor sense of smell! They breed in February/March with a 7 – 10 week gestation and usually have one litter per year. There are 4 – 6 young that stay with the female until fall. Skunks nest in ground burrows and crawl spaces.