Squirrels are attracted to rather specific areas of the home, making them relatively easy to locate. Inside the house itself, squirrels prefer areas that are elevated and not frequented by humans, such as roofs and attics.

How Critter Control Gets Rid of Squirrels in Attic 

Getting rid of squirrels on your own can be tricky and dangerous. Squirrels are smart, aggressive, and can transmit disease. If you suspect squirrels in your attic, the best defense is to call a Critter Control wildlife specialist.

Sheet Metal or Gloves
Hardware ClothRespirator
32 x 10 x 12 inches squirrel trapLadder
3×3 in one way squirrel doorFlashlight

Step 1: Identify Squirrel Entry Points

squirrel entry point fascia board Atlanta, GA
Look for entry points eaves, soffits, vents, or chimneys. Small openings with gnaw marks are a sign of squirrels. 

Step 2: Squirrel Trapping in Atlanta

squirrel trap on roof in Atlanta

A one-way door is the safest method of squirrel removal. It will allow squirrels to exit your home, but not re-enter. To use a one-way door, you must first locate all the entry points that the squirrels are using. Live traps with bait are another effective method to remove squirrels from your attic.

Note: If babies are present, you will need to retrieve the babies with proper animal handling gloves.

Step 3: Exclusion Repairs

The most effective squirrel control is home exclusions. The exclusion repairs block all current and potential squirrel entry points.

Step 4: Attic Clean-up and Sanitization 

Depending how long a squirrel lived in your house will determine how much damage it caused. After squirrel removal, Critter Control will clean up droppings, remove squirrel nests, apply sanitization agents, and in extreme cases install new insulation.

What are the Signs of Squirrels in the Attic?

Squirrel noises. There’s a good chance you’ll hear a squirrel before you see any visual evidence, especially during winter months, when you’re less likely to notice exterior damage. The sounds squirrels make are often described as scurrying, scampering noises. You might also hear chewing or gnawing sounds. Squirrels like building their nests in attics, so sound will often emanate from there. Squirrel sounds are often mistaken for rat sounds, but there’s one key difference: squirrels are diurnal, so you’ll hear them during the day, whereas rats are nocturnal, and will make more sound at night.

Squirrel nests. Squirrels are well known for nesting in attics, as they provide a safe hideaway for squirrels to raise their young. The inside of an attic is also full of things for them to nibble and sharpen their ever-growing teeth on, like wood and insulation. When a squirrel chews the insulation on electrical wiring, the possibility of a house fire arises. Squirrels enter attics through crevices, gaps, and cracks in soffits, fascia boards, and eaves, or open vents or broken shingles in the roof. Once squirrels reach the attic, they have free reign of the house.

Damage to roof. Another popular nesting site for squirrels is in the roof. Typically, they build these nests with roofing insulation. Take some time to carefully analyze your home’s exterior. Squirrels commonly damage roofs by:

  • Chewing holes in soffits. This can allow other small pests to invade your home.
  • Biting through shingles. This can lead to water damage.
  • Gnawing through joists and siding. This can weaken your home’s structure.

Squirrel Droppings Inside Your Home. Squirrel droppings are often confused for rat droppings, and vice versa. While rat and squirrel droppings do look similar—dark brown to black in color with blunted ends, around 3/8 of an inch long—they are found in different places around the home. Squirrel droppings are often found in attics or around tree trunks, while rat droppings are more common along baseboards, in cupboards, and behind large appliances like washing machines.

What Damage Can Squirrels Cause in Attics? 

Squirrels often cause damage to attic insulation or electrical wiring in the attic. But the most damage is done over time as multiple litters of squirrels are born in or near the home. As these squirrels grow and leave the nest, they often will set up their own nests within the same attic. If the initial intrusion is not addressed in time, the damage to your home will increase quickly. Not only will they continue to chew through wiring and damage insulation, but in doing so, they will create more entry points for other squirrels.  

Should I Call an Exterminator to Get Rid of Squirrels in the Attic?

Using an exterminator for squirrel control in Atlanta is not a good pest control strategy. Exterminators are state-licensed technicians trained to control pests using chemicals. They apply solutions to interior and exterior spaces of homes, offices, restaurants, warehouses, and other structures.

Chemical and natural repellents will occasionally work but provide a short-term solution. Most mammals will grow accustomed to the repellent or deterrent. There are no toxicants registered for squirrel exterminators. It is inhumane. Also, killing a squirrel in your house creates another problem for you.

Who Should I Call for Squirrel Removal?

The professional wildlife control operators at Critter Control understand everything about squirrels, especially those that become a nuisance to property owners. They are certified and trained in methods to prevent, remove, and exclude wildlife from your home or office. Wildlife control operators avoid using chemicals and toxic products that kill, as they are unethical, inhumane, and rarely provide long-term squirrel control solutions.

Critter Control in Atlanta specializes in squirrel removal. To remove a squirrel or family of squirrels on your property, our wildlife specialist will perform a thorough inspection to determine the severity of the problem. After the inspection, they will build a custom solution to trap, remove, and seal all entry points. They will also provide warranty options as well as an estimate for preventative services.