In Panama City, FL, squirrels live in different environments, including urban areas, parks, woodlands, and suburban neighborhoods. They are adaptable creatures and can thrive in both natural and human-altered landscapes.
Squirrels often make their homes in trees, particularly those with dense foliage where they can build nests, called dreys, out of twigs, leaves, and other materials. They may also seek shelter in attics, eaves, or other man-made structures if suitable natural nesting sites are scarce.
Squirrel Problems
Most of the time, squirrels climbing through your trees are not a problem. Squirrels become a problem when they nest inside your house or on your roof.
Squirrels will enter your home because competition for resources has increased from unchecked populations, land development eliminates habitats, or even escaping from natural predators like coyotes.
Squirrels easily access your roof by climbing tree branches. They only need a gap the size of a golf ball. Typically entry points are on soffits, eaves, fascia boards, and chimneys. The most common signs of squirrels include noises in the attic or walls, droppings around the house, gnaw marks inside and outside the house, and bad odors.
Squirrel Damage
Squirrels are determined critters that can damage the exterior and interior of your home.They will chew and rip their way into your attic, creating a hole that can let rain and snow enter. Once inside, they will continue gnawing on wood, tearing insulation to use for their nests, and chewing on electrical wires. These chewed wires create a fire hazard. In addition, they will defecate, and this causes rot as well as a health concern. Squirrels also carry parasites such as ticks, mites, and fleas that can infest your home.
Do not ignore a squirrel infestation!
How to Get Rid of Squirrels
Removing squirrels can be very tricky since they run, climb and jump very quickly. While technically allowed to catch squirrels with nets or catch poles, it is nearly impossible. Squirrel trapping is one of the safest and most effective squirrel removal strategies.
Live Traps for Squirrel Removal
The two most effective squirrel removal techniques are trapping squirrels or installing a one-way door. Occasionally, we will do both.
The best squirrel trap is a 5- x 5- x 18-inch (minimum) cage or box traps. Box traps are built with solid walls usually of wood, plastic, or sheet metal. Cage traps are made of wire mesh. For squirrels, use a cage trap from ½- x 1-inch mesh. Snap traps or mouse traps glue traps will not work on most squirrels.
The best place to set these traps are near the entrances to your home or near evidence of squirrel activity. Signs of squirrels include dropping, runs, or tracks in the insulation, gnaw marks, and squirrel nests. Do not rely on bait to overcome poor trap placement.
If young aren’t present, you can get squirrels to evict themselves. Installing a one-way door over the entry point allows the squirrel to leave but prevents their return.
At Critter Control, we typically use a cage trap in conjunction with a one-way door. It allows the squirrel to exit but prevents the return. We regularly check the trap and safely release the squirrel.
Squirrel Exclusions for Squirrel Control
Squirrel trapping solves the immediate squirrel infestation. Your home has already been shown to provide ample resources for squirrels. Without exclusion, you are still at risk for future squirrel infestations.
Because squirrels only need a small entry point, finding all the potential weak spots takes skill and experience.
Exclusion methods keep squirrels and other nuisance wildlife from entering your home. Some measures to take in this effort include removing trees and branches close to your roof that provide easy access. Sealing all vulnerabilities in your roof, soffits, vents, and chimney are also important.
Frequently Asked Questions Squirrel Control
Common squirrel repellents include pepper spray, predator urine, mothballs, ammonia-soaked rags, and commercial repellent sprays. None of these have been shown effective to solve a squirrel infestation.
No! Do not use rat poison for squirrel control. It is inhumane, ineffective, and potentially dangerous to your family and pets.
Squirrel removal using one-way doors and squirrel exclusions from Critter Control is the best way to get rid of squirrels.
The cost of squirrel removal includes the size of the house, the amount of squirrel damage, the length of infestation, and the number of squirrels. Each situation is unique.
At Critter Control, your satisfaction is guaranteed, and we offer a one-year warranty on all whole home squirrel exclusions.