Critter Control specializes in wildlife pest control. After a thorough home inspection, we create a custom wildlife control strategy to humanely remove the nuisance animal from your home and ensure the animal cannot return.
Wildlife Inspections in Kansas City
To identify potential nuisance wildlife, The Wildlife Service Technician asks these three questions:
- What is the nature of the problem?
- How can this be solved?
- How to prevent it in the future?
The technician observes the natural environment to ascertain potential species and investigates your property for signs of wildlife. Typical signs of wildlife include entry sites, animal droppings and urine, foul odors, nests or dens, marks like tracks, claw or smudge.
During an inspection, the technician will determine the severity of the problem, identify the species (if possible) develop a custom strategy to your property to remove the animal, and identify solutions to prevent the issue.
Wildlife Trapping and Removal
Before you can protect your home, the animal must be removed. Wildlife sealed in your home creates another host of problems, and a mother separated from her children will do everything in her power to reunite with her babies.
Based on the inspection, the Wildlife Service Technician will deploy a humane, environmentally safe plan to remove the animal from your property.
Preventing Future Wildlife Issues
Wildlife exclusion services provide a safe and effective way to control wildlife. When done professionally, wildlife exclusion provides immediate and long-term protection. The barriers naturally are chemical free so it is safe to people, animals and the environment.
Animals are creative and resourceful. After removal, an animal might attempt to regain entry to your home. Exclusion techniques should be monitored and occasionally updated.
What are some of the most common wildlife issues that homeowners face in your area? We tend to primarily deal with squirrels in attics, raccoons, mice, birds, bats and then digging animals around houses and yards. In that order.
How do the seasons affect wildlife activity in your area? We certainly have more calls in the spring and summer for non-hibernating animals and for reproduction, but our call volume is more tied to short bad weather occurrences and major holidays and school-related vacation times.
What are some common signs of nuisance wildlife activity? Noises, smells and debris from the animal activity are common signs. Critter damage at the entrance point is also a common sign.
Any prevention or exclusion tips for residents in your area? We occasionally give DIY advice for things like rabbits, or seeing snakes in the yard, but if it is our typical animal damage/entry we recommend professional help. Animals generally access homes through louver vents, soffit roof interface gaps, fascia gaps, roof vents, power fan vents, general foundation construction gaps, foundation vents and open chimney flues. Make sure any related issues are addressed promptly.
When should homeowners call you? The sooner, the better!