Each location is led and staffed by local wildlife experts. Learn from our local experts how they remove critters like raccoons, squirrels, snakes, and skunks from their neighbors.
Pigeon Control in Columbia, MO
Read more: Pigeon Control in Columbia, MOPeter, Brandon, and Jacob recently completed a commercial bird netting and clean-up job in Columbia. Pigeons had been roosting in the rafters above this utility building for quite some time, creating a mess. The guys were able to remove the nesting material, clean up the droppings, and install a netting to prevent further roosting. Pigeon Nest Removal […]
Identifying Raccoon Damage in the Attic in South Jersey
Read more: Identifying Raccoon Damage in the Attic in South JerseyRaccoons can create a surprising amount of damage and destruction in a short amount of time. They are clever, tenacious critters that are strong with sharp claws. Do not ignore a raccoon in the attic! Understanding how to identify and address raccoon problems is crucial for protecting your home and maintaining a safe, healthy living […]
Is an Animal Living Under My House?
Read more: Is an Animal Living Under My House?Animals choose to get under the house primarily for the shelter it can provide. Most animals you’ll find under the house are likely making their way there to create a burrow or nest. The dark space offers shelter from the elements, making it the perfect spot to call home. Beyond simple shelter, the space under […]
Chimney Swift in Chimney Control in Philadelphia
Read more: Chimney Swift in Chimney Control in PhiladelphiaChimney swifts are migratory birds that spend the summer months in the eastern United States, including Philadelphia, before returning to their wintering grounds in South America. In Philadelphia, chimney swifts can often be seen flying around and roosting in the city’s many old brick chimneys, which provide them with suitable nesting and roosting sites. These […]
Removing Raccoon Kits from the Ceiling
Read more: Removing Raccoon Kits from the CeilingRaccoon birthing season always proves challenging. Normally, we can quickly catch the mother on her way out of the house to forage. The kits can be more difficult to capture. The younger kits tend to stay near the den which can be tucked away in the attic or down the walls. It can be impossible […]
Identifying Raccoon Damage in Toms River, NJ
Read more: Identifying Raccoon Damage in Toms River, NJRaccoons can cause a lot of damage in a short amount of time. If you suspect that you have a raccoon in your attic or crawlspace, call a professional animal trapper right away. Critter Control of New Jersey was called to a Toms River, NJ home to inspect damage to a customer’s attic. What we found was a big […]
Snake Control in Houston, TX
Read more: Snake Control in Houston, TXA slithery snake is the last thing you want to see in your home. But as a couple pulled up to their home in Houston, their headlights illuminated a black serpent climbing its way up the side of their house. From there, it disappeared into a woodpecker hole. That was definitely a shock! Instead of panicking, […]
How to Catch a Skunk under a Deck in Santa Fe
Read more: How to Catch a Skunk under a Deck in Santa FeSkunks raid garbage cans and dig holes in lawns for worms, grubs, and insects. They often live under dwellings like porches, crawl spaces, and sheds. These homeowners were shocked one afternoon to find a skunk scurrying under their porch! They worried the skunk would spray either them or their dogs. They called Critter Control to get […]
Catching a 6-ft Rattlesnake Under a House
Read more: Catching a 6-ft Rattlesnake Under a HouseWatch Critter Control of West Texas franchise owner Bryant catch a six foot rattlesnake out from somebody’s crawlspace.
Raccoons in Mobile, Alabama
Read more: Raccoons in Mobile, AlabamaRaccoons are everywhere in Mobile, Alamaba. They can have three separate breeding seasons in South Alabama. During maternity season, female raccoons will look for safe places to give birth. Areas in your house like attics, walls, crawlspaces, or even on the roof are common places to find a raccoon den. Bobby Ard, District Manager Photos […]
Wildlife Removal Portfolio in the Gulf Coast, FL
Read more: Wildlife Removal Portfolio in the Gulf Coast, FLHow Do Animals Get Inside Gulf Coast, FL Homes? Raccoons in Gulf Coast, FL Gulf Coast Animals in Attic Damage Armadillo Trapping
Photos from the Field: Louisiana
Read more: Photos from the Field: LouisianaLouisiana has the perfect weather for wildlife, with high humidity and more hot days than cold. Swamps, the Mississippi River, lakes, ponds, and creeks keep our wildlife thriving. The problem is that the more we develop New Orleans, Baton Rouge, and other cities, the fewer “wild” places animals have to live. So, they started searching […]
Portland, Oregon Raccoon in Chimney Removal
Read more: Portland, Oregon Raccoon in Chimney RemovalA raccoon’s natural denning location is the hollow of a tree. Chimneys provide all the same benefits to a raccoon for denning. As raccoons commonly break into chimneys to raise young, noises like squeaking, purring, rustling, and whining are often heard through the night when infestations are present. Even with chimney caps, raccoons can get […]
Rodent Control in Houston
Read more: Rodent Control in HoustonRodents are the most commonly encountered mammal in Texas. Some of the most common rodents you’ll find in your Houston area home are: The deer mouse, White Footed Mouse and nutria are other rodents in Houston area that can be a nuisance but aren’t as prevalent. Homeowners in the Houston area tend to notice rodent […]
Rodent Control in Chicago
Read more: Rodent Control in ChicagoChicago has consistently been named one of the rattiest cities in America, and the most common pest rat in Chicago is the Norway rat (also known as the brown rat, sewer rat, common rat, wharf rat, street rat). These pests prefer to burrow in the ground, but they are excellent swimmers and climbers. Norway rats […]
Bat Removal in Tallahassee
Read more: Bat Removal in TallahasseeThere are thirteen species of bats in Florida. The big brown bat and little brown bat are two of the most common bat species to roost in your attic. Bats are found in nearly every geographic region in Florida. Favorite environments include tropical forests, woodlands, open fields, both suburban and urban communities, and even deserts. […]
Raccoon Control in New Orleans
Read more: Raccoon Control in New OrleansIn New Orleans, raccoons are most likely to be a problem for homeowners during the spring and early summer months. During this time, raccoons are particularly active as they search for food and suitable nesting sites for raising their young. Additionally, raccoons may be more noticeable in the fall as they seek out warm and […]
Raccoon in Attic Removal in Chicago, IL
Read more: Raccoon in Attic Removal in Chicago, ILRaccoons tend to seek shelter in attics during certain times of the year, typically in late winter to early spring when they are looking for safe and warm places to nest and raise their young. Raccoons give birth from March through June, and litters average two to four pups. In Chicago, this could mean anywhere […]
How to Get Rid of Squirrels in Attic
Read more: How to Get Rid of Squirrels in AtticSquirrels are attracted to rather specific areas of the home, making them relatively easy to locate. Inside the house itself, squirrels prefer areas that are elevated and not frequented by humans, such as roofs and attics. How Critter Control Gets Rid of Squirrels in Attic Getting rid of squirrels on your own can be tricky […]
Raccoon Control in Greenville, SC
Read more: Raccoon Control in Greenville, SCRaccoons are omnivores so they have adapted to live in the urban and suburban environments in Greenville-Spartanburg. Raccoons, like most nuisance wildlife, are attracted to homes and yards that provide water sources, food sources, or shelter. Raccoons will drink water out of puddles, bird baths, buckets, or water bowls. Why is a Raccoon in the […]
The Most Common Signs of Raccoons in the House
Read more: The Most Common Signs of Raccoons in the HouseRaccoon populations are rising across the United States, creating problems for homeowners. Raccoons are attracted to properties with plentiful food sources, like citrus and other fruit trees, gardens, and access to garbage. They also love water, like swimming pools, ponds, and fountains. You will notice specific signs of raccoons on or near your property. When […]