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What Do Squirrel Nests Look Like?
A squirrel nest looks like an oversized clump of twigs and leaves. The interior is hollow and measures eight inches in diameter on average. A nest is typically lined with leaves, grass, moss, and shreds of bark. The exterior shell of the nest is woven together with sticks and leaves for insulation. Squirrel nests are effective in keeping squirrels and their offspring warm and dry.
Where Do Squirrels Build Nests?
Squirrel nests are typically built high in trees between two strong limbs or near the base of the trunk. Oaks, beeches, elms, and maples are common homes for nests.
Squirrels will make nests in chimneys or attics if they’re able to gain access to your property. Squirrels are a threat to the structural integrity of your property as well as any electrical wiring. In addition to causing building damage, squirrels are capable of spreading disease through their waste.
Pictures of Squirrel Nests in Attics
Dangers of a Squirrel Nest
Squirrels destroy your attic insulation. Squirrel nests and droppings can contaminate the insulation in the attic, reducing its effectiveness and potentially causing health issues.
Squirrels can carry a range of different diseases and parasites, many of which are transmitted through their feces and urine. And unlike some nuisance animals that designate a place to poop, squirrels will defecate as they walk, so it will be all over wherever you have an infestation—not confined to one specific area.
After squirrel removal, do not leave the squirrel nest inside the attic. The biggest concern is ectoparasites like fleas, ticks, and lice that can attack other hosts like pets and people. Some of these ectoparasites are proven vectors for Rocky Mountain spotted fever, human monocytic ehrlichiosis, and typhus.
Squirrels store seeds, nuts, and berries as food caches in walls, ceilings, and attics. The food caches can attract other pests like Indian meal moths and dermestid beetles and destroy the insulation.
After the squirrel infestation, we will restore your attic. We remove squirrel nests and droppings, clean up any food caches, and replace the soiled insulation.If you have a squirrel intrusion on your commercial or residential property, contact the professionals at Critter Control to safely and humanely remove the nuisance squirrels and any of their nests.
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- How to Get Rid of Squirrels
- Squirrels Entering Homes
- Squirrels in Attics
- Squirrels in Chimneys
- Squirrels on Roofs & in Soffits
- Squirrels in Walls
- Squirrels in Ventilation
- Squirrels in Gutters
- Squirrels in Crawl Spaces
- Squirrels in Yards or Gardens
- Squirrels in Trees
- Squirrels Digging Holes in the Ground
- How to Identify Squirrel Sounds
- Squirrel Tracks
- Squirrel Droppings
- Squirrel Trapping
- Squirrel Repellents & Deterrents
- Squirrel Appearance & Identification
- Species & Types of Squirrels
- Squirrel Life Cycle
- Baby Squirrels
- Dead Squirrels
- Squirrel Diet
- Diseases That Squirrels Carry
- Rabid Squirrels
- Do Squirrels Hibernate?
- Gray Squirrels
- Do Squirrels Bite?
- Squirrel Damage to Your House
- Squirrels vs. Rats
- Squirrels vs. Chipmunks